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Important Dates

  • September 8(Sun), 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline D-43

Abstract Submission Guideline

  • All abstracts must be submitted via the Congress website ONLY.
  • When you submit your abstract online, your abstract will be automatically edited according to the Hypertension SEOUL 2024 submission formats.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to review the submissions and correct them. Submitters are responsible for all typing errors in the abstract.
  • The presenting author cannot be changed after the acceptance notice is sent.
  • Abstracts should be typed in English.
  • Keywords are used when an abstract is being submitted.
  • An optional Figure and Table to support the abstract may be included in your submission. It must be captured in a single jpg file. (1 Table, 1 Figure)
  • The acceptance of abstracts will be notified by e-mail to the presenting author no later than September 2024. (The exact date will be notified later.)
  • The Presenting author whose abstract has been accepted needs to register with full payment for the congress.
  • If online submission is not available, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Secretariat

Presentation Type

Oral YIA
Poster e-Poster Presentation

내국인 수상 내역 안내

세션 참여방법 상금/상품 선정인원
Oral YIA 오프라인 (현장참석) 50만원 2명
CRA 오프라인 (현장참석) 50만원 2명
Poster Presentation e- Poster Presentation 오프라인 (현장참석) 상품 8명

Young Investigator Award 응모자격 :

고혈압학 관련 연구자로서 전공의부터 조교수까지의 회원 또는 동급에 해당하는자 (당해년 말까지 만 40세 이하여야 함.)

Contact for Abstract Submission

상단으로 이동

The Korean Society of Hypertension
(06168) 508, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu (LG Twintel II), Seoul, Korea, 1811
Hypertension Seoul 2024 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6278-9000 I Fax. +82-504-084-8560
Operating Hours: 10:00-18:00 (KST)
Sponsored by
Seoul Tourism Organization

COPYRIGHT (C) The Korean Society of Hypertension ALL RIGHTS RESERVED